All Saints ELC Merchandise

Fill in the details if you would like to order a T-shirt or Sweatshirt for your child. You can make the payment into the All Saints bank account and pick up your order the next day.

T-Shirts price- 1 for $25, 2 for $45, 1 T-shirt + 1 Sweatshirt for $70

T-Shirts price- 1 for $25, 2 for $45, 1 T-shirt + 1 Sweatshirt for $70

Sweatshirts Price- 1 for $50, 2 for $90, 1 T-shirt + 1 Sweatshirt for $70

Sweatshirts Price- 1 for $50, 2 for $90, 1 T-shirt + 1 Sweatshirt for $70

Wet bags 10$ each

Wet bags 10$ each